Shadows, Situation, and Soccer

Today I had a shadow!! Her name was Madison, she was very nice and helpful.  She even let me have some of her lunch.  In class we discussed sight and situation again.  Also we took a pop quiz on the continents and regions that we studied earlier in the year.  We talked about the differences in cultures and how we shouldn't judge someone based on what they eat.  We also talked about topographical locations not only in Harford County but also in the United States.  We heard everybody's view on crabs.  Also, in the beginning of class everyone told stories about the bad things that had happened to them that day.  Today after school I have a soccer game against Mercy.  I am super stoked to play them and really really really hope we win.  Yesterday was my moms birthday so we go cake and gave her presents.  Also homecoming is coming up so that's super exciting.


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