Socrates, Ancient times, etc

Agora-A public space used for assemblies, market, spiritual, athletic, and political gathering place.
Poly- a city state in ancient Greece.
508 B.C. was significant because democracy was introduced in Athens by the Cleisthenes, who established their constitution called,"Father of Athenian Democracy".
Socrates was a Classical Greek philosopher who was credit as one of the founders of western philosophy.  He died on trial, where he was being accused of corrupting people with his beliefs.  He was tried and found guilty but was given the option to renounce his beliefs or drink a cup of hemlock. Hemlock is a highly poisonous plant that would be dried and crushed into a drink to kill people.  He chose to drink the cup and died out of choice.  His method was called the socratic method.  It is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals based on asking and answering questions to simulate creative thinking.  It was sort of a teaching method that is still taught today.  Socrates also fault in the Peloponnesian War, worked as a stone mason, and his main job was teaching young students in the agora.


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