Today in human geography we talked about 9/11.  We heard a personal story from Mr.Schick about the day he experienced at John Carroll.  I also heard about Mrs.Zurkowski's personal experience at the John Carroll School on 9/11.  They were very closely related but from different prospectives.  On 9/11 four planes were hijacked by Al-Queda terrorist.  The first plane flew into a world trade center.  The second flew into the other trade center, and the third hit the pentagon.   The last plane had an un-kown destination and crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.  The most stressful part of my day was finding out that we have a big test tomorrow.  There is a lot of information on the test and I am scared that I am going to fail.  Also I had a fun weekend at the back to school dance and the football game.  Today I got cleared finally to play soccer again.  I am so happy!!!!!! We have a game Thursday and had a game tonight.


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