Today in human geography we talked about 9/11. We heard a personal story from Mr.Schick about the day he experienced at John Carroll. I also heard about Mrs.Zurkowski's personal experience at the John Carroll School on 9/11. They were very closely related but from different prospectives. On 9/11 four planes were hijacked by Al-Queda terrorist. The first plane flew into a world trade center. The second flew into the other trade center, and the third hit the pentagon. The last plane had an un-kown destination and crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. The most stressful part of my day was finding out that we have a big test tomorrow. There is a lot of information on the test and I am scared that I am going to fail. Also I had a fun weekend at the back to school dance and the football game. Today I got cleared finally to play soccer again. I am so happy!!!!!! We have a game Thursday and had a game tonight.
Power Point
Etruscans came from north-central part of the peninsula metalworkers, artists, architects two foundation myths: Virgil’s Aeneid (where Aeneas escapes from Troy - sound familiar?) the story of Remus and Romulus Greeks they had many colonies around the Mediterranean Sea Romans borrowed ideas from them, such as: religious beliefs alphabet much of their art military techniques and weaponry the Latins! descendants of Indo-Europeans settled on the banks of the Tiber situated so trading ships - but not war fleets - could navigate as far as Rome, but no further a commercial port, but not susceptible to attack and... built on seven hills (esp. Palatine) many streams flowed into the Tiber there was a marshy area called the Forum, between Palatine and Capitoline Hills Tarquin the Proud’s grandfather built the Cloaca Maxima (largest ancient drain), which channeled water into the Tiber urban legend says Washington DC was built on a swamp - but...
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