Test Review

Part 1: Navigate Via factbook- 15 questions in 15 minutes

Part 2:Terms of Population and Settlement

  • crude birth rate- # of births per 1,000 of the population
  • crude death rate-# of deaths per 1,000 of the population
  • infant mortality rate-the number of babies that don't live to see their first birthday 
  • life expectancy- how long the average person and gender lives
  • total fertility rate-average number of children born per women.
  • net migration rate-The difference between the number of people leaving and entering a country during the year.
  • GDP per capita- global domestic product
  • population growth rate-the rate at which the population grows
  • rate of natural increase-birth - death
  • population pyramid-To analyze the growth of fertility, mortality, and migration
  • push force-war, environmental degration, unemployment, ethnic and religious persecution.
  • pull force-better economy, better health care, religious freedom, political freedom


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