Class Talk

The past class was very frustrating to me.

I do not feel like I represented fairly through the words I said.  First of all I value this class because it is mostly discussion based.  But when we started having a talk today in class Mr.Schick just left and claimed we were being and have recently been very rude in class and disrespecting him and his opinion so he will be keeping the class based on factual information and not sharing his own opinion and seemed very angry with our class.

We started talking about Neo-Natzi's and Hitler.  I remarked that Hitler was a, and I quote, "A powerful, smart, and tactical leader."  I also said that he was a strong leader and had a good style of leading BUT he used his power and smart ideas for evil."  Mr.Schick suddenly seemed very angry and after just 20 minutes prior saying he wasn't going to share his own opinion proceeded to let the class know,  "He was very disappointed and in shock that some people in our class (referring almost directly to me) thought that Hitler was a good leader but he was just misunderstood."  Which was nothing like what I meant to say.  I felt misunderstood and misinterpreted.


  1. Ellie, I apologize for misunderstanding and misinterpreting your assessment of Hitler's leadership. I am a little unclear how "he was a strong leader and had a good style of leading" could not be interpreted as "Hitler was a good leader," but I take the blame. It was my fault for allowing a discussion of the Demographic Transition model to veer off into the realm of Neo-Nazis in the first place. I'll do what I can to keep that from happening again. I am sincerely sorry that you felt singled out. Looking forward to seeing you in class again soon.


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