Polotics of Greece

No women.
No middle class.
Certainly , no slaves
Certain aristocrat
What to do if your on the outside?
-Alliances with hoplites
-greek a tyrant someone who would seize power.
-Definition tyrant someone who rules outside framework of polis
-Modern tyrant abusive/ oppressive leader

Draco (621 ace) draconian- overly harsh punishment
All athenians are equal
death punishment for many crimes
debt is slavery

Solons reform594 bce
Outlaws debt slavery
All athenian citizens can speak at assembly's
Any citizens can press charges against wrongdoers.
more reforms (500 BCE)
allowed al citizens to submit lows for debate at the assembly created council of 500.
can you see leading---> democracy
only free adult mate property owners could be citizens
sorry to: women, slaves, foreigners.


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