After the test we had to read certain pages of the text book, I made a chart but I don't know how to insert the picture into this blog, I will try again in the morning.
Etruscans came from north-central part of the peninsula metalworkers, artists, architects two foundation myths: Virgil’s Aeneid (where Aeneas escapes from Troy - sound familiar?) the story of Remus and Romulus Greeks they had many colonies around the Mediterranean Sea Romans borrowed ideas from them, such as: religious beliefs alphabet much of their art military techniques and weaponry the Latins! descendants of Indo-Europeans settled on the banks of the Tiber situated so trading ships - but not war fleets - could navigate as far as Rome, but no further a commercial port, but not susceptible to attack and... built on seven hills (esp. Palatine) many streams flowed into the Tiber there was a marshy area called the Forum, between Palatine and Capitoline Hills Tarquin the Proud’s grandfather built the Cloaca Maxima (largest ancient drain), which channeled water into the Tiber urban legend says Washington DC was built on a swamp - but...
Caesar Reforms: -Granted citizenship to people in provinces -expanded the senate and added his friends -created jobs for the poor, especially the republic work projects -increase pay for soldiers -started colonies were those without land could own property Assassination: -Why? The senators saw Caesars rise in power as a huge threat to their political viability. -How? They lured him into the senate hall stabbed him 23 times, and they were all involved in it. -Who? Senators and Brutus, who was Caesars ally. -The senators were not punished -Octavian was named Julius Caesars sole heir. -This was THE END OF THE REPUBLIC Octavians Reign: -Julius Caesars grand nephew and adopted son: Octavian takes over at the age of 18 -Makes the second triumvirate -Mark Antony is an experienced general -Lepidus is a powerful politician -Octavian forces Lepidus to retire -Octavian and Mark Antony become rivals -Mark Antony partners up with C...
- The poet Juvenal said Rome "anxiously hopes for two things: bread and circuses" - Bread (free grain from the state) and entertainment (circus Maximus, Colosseum), partly to keep them alive, and partly to keep them quiet, distracted, and docile A Change in Rule - Tiberius Gracchus recognized the advantages of courting the plebeians (even though he was ultimately unsuccessful). Military generals worked that angle - lead an army that conquers a land, then give them a share in the spoils - Soldiers' loyalty was to their military leader, not necessarily to Rome or the Republic No one did that better than Caesar: - Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE) (test question) - A highly successful general - He conquered the huge territory of Gaul He could play the game (of politics): Made common folks happy Made friends in high places Pompey (a general who conquered Syria and Palestine) Crassus (the richest man in Rome, one of the richest men in all hi...
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