Life and Teachings of Jesus

Jesus of Nazareth: 
born between 604 b.c. 
born in Bethlehem of Judea 
he was raised in Nazareth 
baptized by John the baptist
He was a carpenter
He 30 years old when he started his public ministry 

A growing movement:
Written by 12 apostles
He went town to town and attracted big crowds
Was crucified in ad 29

Christianity spreads through the Empire:
first followers where jews
create new religion based on teachings
Paul huge influence
he was a converted christian (vision/blinded)
Pax Romana ideal conditions to spread Christianity 
Paul wrote epistles anyone was welcome

Jewish Rebellion:
AD 66 jews rebelled against Rome
AD 70 romans stormed Jerusalem and destroyed the temple
500,000 jews were killed
another attempt break free AD 132
another half a million jews were killed in the next 3 years

Persecution of Christians:
refused worship of roman gods
Romans began to imprison, exile, and execute christians 
The Pax Romana began to crumble

A World Religion:
Why was christianity so appealing?
-embraced ALL people
-gave hope
-those who didn't like Rome
-offered a personal relationship with a LIVING God
-promised eternal life

Constantine likes Christianity:
-Ad 312 he prayed for divine intervention in his battle
-saw an image of a cross
-got it put on all the shields of the soilders
-he had victory in his battled 
-the next year in 313 he ended the persecution of christians

Early Christian Church:
bishops supervised the church
Peter was the first pope


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