Roman Republic

Orgins of Rome: Rome was founded in 753 b.c. It was founded by Romulus and Remus twins of the god mars and a Latin princess.  Found abandon on the side of the Tigris River and were raised by a she-wolf.  They decided to build a city on the spot.  Rome was built in a curvy land between the Alps and Italy's Southern tip.

The First Romans: From 1,000 to 500 b.c. three groups lived and battled" Greek, Latin, and Etruscan.    Latin was the first to build: They built wooden huts in clusters on one of Rome's seven hills.  Between 750 and 600 b.c. the greeks established colonies along Italy.  The Etruscans were natives to northern Italy and were skilled metal workers and engineers.

Early Republic: Around 600 b.c. a Eurates became king of Rome,, Rome grew and to a collection of villages that covered of villages that covered 500 square miles.  The last king of Rome was Tarquin the proud.  He was driven from power in 509 b.c.  They established a republic, voting rights were giving only to free born citizens.

Partitions-Wealthy landowners held most of the power
Plebians-Common work force made up of the majority of citizens
Tribunes:set up to protect the rights of the plebeians from unfair acts of partitions.


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