Rome Notes

  • Who settled in Rome? Etruscans. came from north central part of the peninsula, metal workers, artists, and architects Two foundation myths:Virgils Aeneid - where Aeneas escapes Troy and the story of Remus and Romulus Greeks :they had many colonies around the Mediterreanean Sea ,romans borrowed ideas from them such as: religious beliefs, alphabet, much of their art,military techniques and weaponry 
    • Latins: descendants of the Indo-Europeans,settled on the banks of the Tiber River, situated so trading ships could navigate as a far as Rome, a commercial part, but not susceptible to attacks, it was built on the seven hills, especially Palatine.  Many streams flowed into the Tiber River there as a marshy area called the Forum this was between Palatine and Capitaline. Tarquin the Proud's grandfather built the Cloaca Maxima (largest ancient drain) 
    • this channeled water into the Tiber River


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