It 10,000 years to get a billion people.
then 123 to get to the next billion
then 33 years to reach another billion.

Population Pyramids- We use population pyramids to analyze growth of fertility, mortality, and migration.
For the population to remain the same the TFR must be: 2.1
Higher then 2.1: rises
Lower then 2.1: falls
The .1 comes in for the women who do not make it to the age to bear children are counted in the record of people being replaced which is why it must be a little over 2 to keep a constant rate of people.

Today I had a shadow.  she was very friendly.  She had a lot to say throughout the day.  We go to the same church.  I was very sad today.  My best friend was not at school.  She was ill.  I hope she feels better.  I miss ranting to her during the day.  I was just informed, I have another shadow tomorrow.  Thats crazy.  Snapchat is broken.  Also, Owen brought cake into class today.  It was good.  I saw him in the play.  The play was very good.  I wish I sing.  But I am a really good dancer.  I am probably going to grow up to become a professional dancer.  I am very tired.  I don't even know what I am writing anymore.  I hope you read this out loud to the class.  It would be very funny.  Goodnight.


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