
Showing posts from December, 2017


The populations pyramid below represent two countries at different stages of the demographic transition and economic development. Describe potential problems and issues they could have in the future if they remain the same A)not going to have enough young people to do there jobs, infrastructure could decrease, not as many export.  Christmas Tree stage:1 (preindustrial) developing countries B)Cannot support the elderly with taxes.    T here won’t be enough people to support elders, the economy will suffer bc the working class is small so there aren’t people working in productive jobs, the population is declining because the birth rate is low.  Stage 3: transitional Discuss the historical process of globalization and describe why the process has accelerated in recent years. Discuss the pros and cons of globalization? Why do some people view the process as negative? What do you think about globalization? The problem with China making our pro...

Schick's Birthday

In class we celebrated mr.schick's birthday and had cupcakes and cookies.  This was the best we had all year because it was laid back and we were all just having fun we talked about what would be on the exam for a little.  Then I had a track meet it was very long we left school at 2:30 and we didn't get back until 9:30, then I went out to dinner at mcdanks with all my bestest friends to have a late night talk.  It was very yummy food.  I don't want to study for exams but I have a lot to do.  Also I cleaned my room so thats good.  I am currently sitting on my coach writing this blog.  Watching the snow fall outside.  It is very pretty.

study guide

Exam Review

Today in class we reviewed exams and how they work.  We talked about how literally at the same time that we were sitting there in exactly a week we would be taking our first exam.  Today was very interesting day.  In Patriot transitions I studied for Human Geo for an hour it was very productive, I made a quizlet with many terms.  I am getting ready for exams its a little bit stressful but I'm getting used to it.  Then tonight I had a soccer games it was great, I won 6-1.  Also I am glad because we lost are first game against a very bad team.  Also In class we reviewed our tests I didn't get a bad grade and it still brought down my grade so I am annoyed.

Demographic Transition

Today in class we took a pop quiz on the video we watched.   Demographic Transition means  the transition from high birth and death rates to lower birth and death rates as a country or region develops from a pre-industrial to an industrialized economic system.  The system/idea was proposed in 1929 by someone named Warren Thompson.  The model showed changes that happens when a population either starts to develop or industrialize.   Most developed countries have completed the demographic transition and have low birth rates; most developing countries are in the process of this transition. 

Class Talk

The past class was very frustrating to me. I do not feel like I represented fairly through the words I said.  First of all I value this class because it is mostly discussion based.  But when we started having a talk today in class Mr.Schick just left and claimed we were being and have recently been very rude in class and disrespecting him and his opinion so he will be keeping the class based on factual information and not sharing his own opinion and seemed very angry with our class. We started talking about Neo-Natzi's and Hitler.  I remarked that Hitler was a, and I quote, "A powerful, smart, and tactical leader."  I also said that he was a strong leader and had a good style of leading BUT he used his power and smart ideas for evil."  Mr.Schick suddenly seemed very angry and after just 20 minutes prior saying he wasn't going to share his own opinion proceeded to let the class know,  "He was very disappointed and in shock that some people in our class (...