
Showing posts from March, 2018

Philosophy and Arts

Epicureanism and stoicism: founded the school of philosophy founded the school Zeno of thought Sculpture: Colossus of Rhodes:  a bronze statue more than 100 ft high one of the sever wonders of the ancient world.  150 b.c. the Hellenistic world was in decline.  Rome was growing and gaining strength. Stoicism: people should lead natural lives harmony of the universe only gets interrupted when you do something very bad.  Human desires need to be checked.  Power and wealth are dangerous distractions. Epicures:  The gods had no real interest in humans.  They aren't trying to intervene on behalf of us.  they also believe in universal harmony as well.  Achieve harmony of body and mind.  Person that is chasing after desire with moderation in all things.

essay questions

describe the difference between the various forms of government: aristocracy, agriogorcy , democracy describe the philosophy of plato, Aristotle, socrates Describe the progression minion to miconean to dorian

Hellenistic Culture

Hellenistic Culture in Alexandria: -Hellenistic Culture-Blend of Greek,Egyptian,Persian, and Indian Culture.  These are all territories that Alexander conquered. -Trade + Culture- ALEXANDRIA was the center of commerce and civilization. -Alexander's Attraction: Alexanders coffin, Alexandria Lighthouse (Pharaohs), Alexandria library and museum (500,000 papyrus scrolls). -Science and Technology: Astronomy: Aristotic sun 300x bigger then the earth and the planets revolve around the sun.  Eristothenes attempted too calculate the true size of the earth. -Mathematics and Physics: Ucalide wrote book of Geometry (Elements) Archimedes:estimated value of pie and that law of the lever

Alexander's Empire pt.2

1). Philip Builds Macedonis Empire -Philip is Alexander's Dad + King of Macedonia -King of Macedonia who invaded Greece and Won! 2).Philips Death -Going to conquer Persia -stabbed to death 3).Alexander becomes King -Named himself king at 20 years old -had death threats then went and killed generals -Alexander defeats Persia -Tutored byAristotle: kept the Iliad with him 4).Alexander vs  Darrius -Alexander is out numbered -35k v 40 k -Alexander wins 5).Crowned him Pharaoh -332 b.c.. -Alexander City -liberator  -told them he was a god 6).Darius vs Alexander -east to Mesopotamia -darrius outnumbered him again with hue army -battle at gaugamela Alexander used phalanx and won again. 7).Continues Mission -Alexander continues East to Persepolis -burned Persepolis to the ground -and pillaged them for $$ and gold 8).Alexanders other Conquests -now reigned as unchallenged ruler of South Asia -326 Hydaspes river fought against the Indians -first time...
Helenistic Culture in Alexandria Greek culture was known as Hellenic Culture.  Koine was the popular language used in Hellenistic cities.  It was a dialect of Greece. Trade and culture Diversity City of Alexander was the center of economics and trade.  It was in an important place located on the western edge of the nile delta.  It has become an international community filled with many races and ethnicities. Alexandria's Attractions Broad avenues lined with statues of Greek gods divided the city into blocks.  There is a royal

Alexander Empire

1. Philip build Macedonia Power A)Philips Army: Philip was 32 years old, he was able to turn the peasants into and army, his war plan was he started with a phalanx formation and then brought in calvary to stomp the rest of the opponents out. B)Conquest of Greece-Greek city states could not agree on a plan for the incoming attack of Philip, because of the unwillingness to unify they where defeated in the battle of Chaeronea. C)Philips Death-He went to his daughters wedding 336 B.C.  he was stabbed to death, his kingdom was then passed on to his son who was named Alexander the great. 2)Alexander Defeats Persia A) Alexander-was 20 years old when he became king he was a student of Aristotle, he was a keen and aggressive fighter who was trained since he was little in how to war. B)Invasion of Persia- Carry out his fathers mission of defeating Persia.  He fought against them, he with a battle of 35,000 and Persia and king Darrius with a army of 40,000 he remained victorious o...

Presentations day 2

Today Jamie, Madison, Valerie (my daughter), an sydney showed us their video of the olympics then we had an off mod.

Presentation day 1

Today I presented my presentation we served food and talked about greek food in the greek culture two other groups presented they both had visual representations of battle forms and armor.

Project Continued

Today in class we compiled our video together.


Yesterday all we did was work on our group project, and then we went over to maddys and made our video.


 plato route apology of Socrates trial. Allegory one of the cave story a poem or picture can contain a hidden meeting the allegory was 2400 years old and it was in relation to the ideal society Socrates said life is like being chained up in a cage watching shadows dance on the wall the allegory went like this these people had been in a cave since birth and we're unable to turn their head there was a faint far behind them and occasionally people  would walk past the fire so the people stuck to the change but identify what they saw and point from their point of you one day one of the prisoners was freed and found the outside world disorienting at first but then he couldn't believe shadows were just shadows in the objects were actual things the sun is the ultimate source of everything he sees the other prisoners think his freedom made him stupid and violent and resist his offer for freedom this is very important  because most people are not comfortable in their ignorance Baj...

gun control and more logical questions

Today in class we prayed again for the victims of mass shootings.  Then mr.schick explained that if you do not believe your political opinion was represented fairly on the board you can print out things to talk about what you believe in.  Which somehow spike a discussion about tide pods.  Then we started the video which ended up being the same discussion about asking unanswerable questions.  Which then led into a discussion of the reality of color which made absolutely no sense to me at all, but we got yummy food and finished the video so Litty!!!!