Alexander's Empire pt.2

1). Philip Builds Macedonis Empire
-Philip is Alexander's Dad + King of Macedonia
-King of Macedonia who invaded Greece and Won!

2).Philips Death
-Going to conquer Persia
-stabbed to death

3).Alexander becomes King
-Named himself king at 20 years old
-had death threats then went and killed generals
-Alexander defeats Persia
-Tutored byAristotle: kept the Iliad with him

4).Alexander vs  Darrius
-Alexander is out numbered
-35k v 40 k
-Alexander wins

5).Crowned him Pharaoh
-332 b.c..
-Alexander City
 -told them he was a god

6).Darius vs Alexander
-east to Mesopotamia
-darrius outnumbered him again with hue army
-battle at gaugamela
Alexander used phalanx and won again.

7).Continues Mission
-Alexander continues East to Persepolis
-burned Persepolis to the ground
-and pillaged them for $$ and gold

8).Alexanders other Conquests
-now reigned as unchallenged ruler of South Asia
-326 Hydaspes river fought against the Indians
-first time fought against war elephants

9).Tired and Worn Fighters
-been fighting for 11 years
-covered 11,000 miles
-army turned back
-tired and worn
-322 bc army reaches Babylon

10). Alexanders Fall
-323 settled in Bablon
-Died at 32 years old
-many theories on how he died
-text says he just got a fever


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