
 plato route apology of Socrates trial. Allegory one of the cave story a poem or picture can contain a hidden meeting the allegory was 2400 years old and it was in relation to the ideal society Socrates said life is like being chained up in a cage watching shadows dance on the wall the allegory went like this these people had been in a cave since birth and we're unable to turn their head there was a faint far behind them and occasionally people  would walk past the fire so the people stuck to the change but identify what they saw and point from their point of you one day one of the prisoners was freed and found the outside world disorienting at first but then he couldn't believe shadows were just shadows in the objects were actual things the sun is the ultimate source of everything he sees the other prisoners think his freedom made him stupid and violent and resist his offer for freedom this is very important  because most people are not comfortable in their ignorance Baja style to anyone who pointed out which is have lost first field when trying to explain a concept the theory of forms is things in the real world are flawed reflections of a deal forms that I deal form exist in the mind of the creative.


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