
Showing posts from September, 2017

Dehydration and Darkness

Important characteristics of site are: -climate -water sources -topography -soil -vegetation -latitude -elevation Today was a crazy day at school.  I sprinted to my math class and got there perfectly on time right as I walked through the door the bell rang.  Next, I walked to my Spanish class.  Everything was going perfectly fine I had just recited the entire Padre Nuestro and was sitting in my class when suddenly the lights flashed.  At first, I thought it was one of the boys who sits next to the light switch... come to find out the power was off.  The hallways went dark and chaos followed the bell rang and everyone was running into each other.  The biggest problem was the elevator got stuck with a teacher in it!!! In Mr.Schick's class, he would not let me get water.  I was sooooo thirsty and probably dehydrated, but he made me sit in my seat suffering and refused to let me get water.  My throat was burning it was so dry and I c...

Shadows, Situation, and Soccer

Today I had a shadow!! Her name was Madison, she was very nice and helpful.  She even let me have some of her lunch.  In class we discussed sight and situation again.  Also we took a pop quiz on the continents and regions that we studied earlier in the year.  We talked about the differences in cultures and how we shouldn't judge someone based on what they eat.  We also talked about topographical locations not only in Harford County but also in the United States.  We heard everybody's view on crabs.  Also, in the beginning of class everyone told stories about the bad things that had happened to them that day.  Today after school I have a soccer game against Mercy.  I am super stoked to play them and really really really hope we win.  Yesterday was my moms birthday so we go cake and gave her presents.  Also homecoming is coming up so that's super exciting.

Site and Situtation

A sight is a physical character of a place. Important site characteristics include climate, water sources,  soil, latitude, elevation, topography.  Site factors have always been essential for selecting sites for settlements.  Humans have the ability to modify the characteristics of a sight.  Situation is the location to a place relative to other places. It is a valuable way to find understand the site for two reasons -finding unfamiliar places and understanding its importance -helps find an unfamiliar place by comparing it to a familiar one. Many locations are important because they are significant based on other things and things around them. The rest of class I will spend doing homework, although I could really use a nap about now in the day.  It's ok though because next is my favorite class: lunch.  

A Day of Review

Today in class we reviewed our blogs and how to properly write in them to most effectively find notes in the opportunity of an open blog test.  We also went over our maps that we had filled in, in a previous class.  I did pretty good on them.  We talked about Mr.Schick's trip to Newsam tomorrow.  Also Kelsey sang us the song of the seven continents, which was odd because they are only seven so it shouldn't be that hard to remember.  Tomorrow we are supposed to watch a power point and and make a blog based off of it.  I have 3 subs tomorrow a lot of teachers are out.  Probably the best part of my day was I made five new friends from Spain and they are the funniest people I have ever met!  Tomorrow I have a soccer game at McDonough and I am super excited!!!

The Unique Earth

Why is each point on earth so unique? Place:Unique location of a feature. Region:Area of unique characteristics Spatial Association Each place on earth is in some respects unique and in other ways very similar to other places.  The interplay between the uniqueness of each place lies at the heart of the geographic questioning about why things are found where they are.  Two basic concepts help geographers explain why ever point on earth is in some way unique-place and region.  The difference between the two    Is partly a matter of scale a place is a point whereas a region is a area.  

Mental Maps

Mental Maps: How do you describe where things are? How do you describe your daily routine? A mental amp is a person's point of view/ perception of their area of interaction most commonly called your activity space.   Today in class we talked about our perspective of the maps by drawing the world map without any help and just a piece of paper and drawing how we get from our house to school.  I actually really enjoyed drawing the world map and it was very satisfying to me.  It was sort of weird because I couldn't remember the way I drive to school every morning or what I pass by on my way.  I am very directionally challenged and forget ways to get to places I go on the daily.  Many people left class early to go to sporting events.  We had a soccer game today, we won are first conference game 1-0 against NDP.  I went to dinner with my friend at Steelfish.  It was really good I got a grilled chicken with crab dip on top with pickles and French frie...

today, learning, school, yay

Today has been my favorite day of class all year.  Mr.Schick had papers to grade so we got to do study hall.   It was really helpful to get caught up on work.  I had a math and Spanish test today they were both pretty easy since I studied.  WE WON THE CUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we beat soccer in over time on a breakaway.   Football won Friday night it was a blow out we were clearly the better team.  Saturday morning girls jv tied 2-2 in a good game.  Girls field hockey also won in overtime in a close game.  At night boys soccer took a tough loss, 3-0 and even scored an own goal:((( It was a fun weekend over all.  It made it fun that a lot of fans showed up to watch us sweep the trophy.  I can't wait for this weekend.  I am really tired though and need my glasses to help me focus.  Today has been weird and filled with interesting surprises.  Also, homecoming is coming up!!!!!!!!! so that is super exciting.   I am also running ...

Thinking Geographically

We learned about 2 different types of maps here is a summary from " Because the Earth is roughly spherical, every flat map distorts our planet one way or another. The most popular version is the Mercator projection, created by Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator in 1569. It's been widely used for centuries, including today in various forms by Google Maps and many other online services. This map preserves directional bearing, presenting rhumbs (imaginary lines that cut all meridians at the same angle) as straight lines, thus making it a useful tool for navigation. Despite its benefits, the Mercator projection drastically distorts the size and shape of objects approaching the poles. This may be the reason people have no idea how big these things really are." Here are some of the misconceptions: Alaska is nearly as large as the continental U.S. Greenland is roughly the same size as Africa. Europe (excluding Russia) is only a bit large...

Intro to the Year

Think Geographically: How do geographers describe where things are? Why is each point on earth unique? Why are different places similar? Why are some actions unsustainable? Intro: Regions are highly contested concept that relate to space, place, and location. Regions allow us to characterize areas so we can better under stand them and group them. A formal region has high level of consistency in a certain cultural or physical attribute.  Formal regions are uniform or homogenous areas where everyone in that area shares common attributes or traits like language, climate, or political system.  Formal regions are primarily used to determine and outline political, culture, and economical regions. We learned about are differences with the United States and Mexico. Class was pretty boring nothing too exciting.  We did maps of the world and regions.

Test day

Today we had a test.  I know I got at least two questions wrong because I just looked up the answers but I feel pretty good about my essay answers.  Now we are sitting in class in silence writing our blogs.  This is my second test I have had today and I just want to go home right now. Tonight for soccer we are taking ice baths.  I really want it to be the weekend already because I am tired and have a lot of homework.  I also found out I have another chapter test on Monday in math and math is my worst subject.  Now I am going to english, I like my English teacher but the kids in my class are really quite.  I also am super hungry and can't wait for lunch.  I went to mass for religion class, it was very long and tiring but good to change up my surroundings.  I just found out I have a test in Spanish tomorrow so that's upsetting and I have a lot of biology homework.  All in all it was a pretty good day and I got to practice for soccer so tha...
Today in human geography we talked about 9/11.  We heard a personal story from Mr.Schick about the day he experienced at John Carroll.  I also heard about Mrs.Zurkowski's personal experience at the John Carroll School on 9/11.  They were very closely related but from different prospectives.  On 9/11 four planes were hijacked by Al-Queda terrorist.  The first plane flew into a world trade center.  The second flew into the other trade center, and the third hit the pentagon.   The last plane had an un-kown destination and crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.  The most stressful part of my day was finding out that we have a big test tomorrow.  There is a lot of information on the test and I am scared that I am going to fail.  Also I had a fun weekend at the back to school dance and the football game.  Today I got cleared finally to play soccer again.  I am so happy!!!!!! We have a game Thursday and had a game tonight.

More on Socrates

A working example of synergy is democracy and excellence, as they go hand in hand.  Athens was a great city that attracted bright thinkers from all over.  Visitors from all over the world shared their knowledge of astronomy, medicine, meteorology, literature, and philosophy.  The teaching that was taught in Athens often went at odds with traditional teachings.  An example is the sun while trying to learn new astronomical findings, they started to understand more and more about the sun, which would go against tradition that stated the gods put the sun in the sky and took it out each morning.  In class we also talked more about Socrates and his death which is where we left off yesterday.  Socrates was put on trial for two crimes.  Firstly he was accused of the corruption of Athens youth.  Secondly, he was charged with impiety (not believing in the gods of the state).  His defense on his trial was, "It's my job to be the gadfly on the sluggish h...

Socrates, Ancient times, etc

Agora-A public space used for assemblies, market, spiritual, athletic, and political gathering place. Poly- a city state in ancient Greece. 508 B.C. was significant because democracy was introduced in Athens by the Cleisthenes, who established their constitution called,"Father of Athenian Democracy". Socrates was a Classical Greek philosopher who was credit as one of the founders of western philosophy.  He died on trial, where he was being accused of corrupting people with his beliefs.  He was tried and found guilty but was given the option to renounce his beliefs or drink a cup of hemlock. Hemlock is a highly poisonous plant that would be dried and crushed into a drink to kill people.  He chose to drink the cup and died out of choice.  His method was called the socratic method.  It is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals based on asking and answering questions to simulate creative thinking.  It was sort of a teaching method t...

Diving into the Details of "A message to Mrs.Garcia"

A message to Mrs.Garcia was published as an inspirational essay on March 1899.  After it was written as a paper it was turned into a pamphlet and 47 million copies were sold.  It has since been published in 37 languages.  "A Message to Garcia was made into a movie twice in 1916 and 1936.  The title " A message to Garcia" was turned into a slang which basically means to take initiative.  Here is some background on "A Letter to Garcia.  It was written during the Spanish American war.  Mr.Garcia was a revolutionary seeking Cuban independence from Spain.  In this story Rowan was a army officer who gratuated from West Point in 1881.  At the time of the note the current president was President McKinley.  Some Vocabulary words I learned was... -perihelion, the point when a planet is closest to the sun therefore the sun shines the brightest. -slipshod, careless, lackadaisical, remiss -imbecility-incapability,feeblness,stupidity -stenographer...